Who we are

Roshini & Abhishek
March | 2022
What feels like to be with one another, what feels like presence when a hand is held, what feels like when souls yearn to be close to each other?
It feels out of this world. It felt like magic to them, to us.
With all sincere emotions and intentions this love story unfolds to the world. Roshini & Abhishek, a perfect duo, so seamlessly into each other that it was so hard to miss the chemistry between them.Maybe asking for normal is too less. They definitely didn't want the normal on their big day. Normal was just too less for these two . Eventually they became a magnet for one another, and the universe somehow manipulated it all in their favour.
For their ultimately alluring d-day celebrations they both stayed true to their tradition and culture, however for their sangeet entry they decided to ditch the clichés and planned the entry based on Jim and Pam's (from the sitcom 'the office') wedding entry. It is absolutely dreams for people who want to do something unique and arrive at the venue in style.
All the while the couple grooved to their favourite beats, with friends and family and collected some treasurable memories to be kept with them till eternity.
For us it was an amazing, fun filled wedding where we swayed through capturing the spark these two had put out with their unmatchable compatibility and fun loving spirit.
The best love is unexpected. You meet them by fate, and it's an instant connection. And that's what Roshini and Abhishek held in their eyes, purity and sincerity for one another, where the story of togetherness began for a lifetime.